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The texture of your skin may bother you if it doesn’t feel smooth and soft.   Irregularities in the skin can come with natural aging (fine lines or wrinkles) as well as from premature aging from the effects of the environment (sun exposure, stressors, lifestyle). These cosmetic changes can actually be corrected and reversed with little-to-no downtime.

Intracel™ can improve the signs of skin aging by replenishing collagen and elastin, the supporting structures of your skin that maintain elasticity and firmness. The technology also treats atrophic scars resulting from acne.

Starts at $750
per treatment
3 hours
2 days
4 – 6 weeks

Firmer skin and tighter pores for a younger you

Intracel™ is the answer to question: how do we maximize results and minimize time away from your schedule? The technology is intelligent. It has found a way of combining radio-frequency and microneedling to deliver energy to the deeper layers of your skin while leaving the surface intact.  This translates to high comfort for you and increased results as we can precisely target the layer of your skin where elastin and collagen require boosting.  The result is smoother, firmer, more youthful skin.

No time like the present

A natural part of skin aging is that your “dermis” becomes thinner due to collagen and elastin being produced more slowly. This affects your skin’s structure. The earlier you give your skin what it needs to stimulate the right cells, the better your skin will age. Just like starting to go to the gym while young and developing good lifestyle habits.  

Call 514-989-7328 to schedule your consultation so you can regain youthful skin.

Call for your consultation.

Easy and without obligations


Take your next step.

Through this consultation, we decide together what you will need to reveal your natural beauty.

We make sure to clearly understand your desires. In this way, we can use our professional experience to choose the best treatment for you. You are unique, and we tailor our advice accordingly.